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Friday, December 13, 2013

How's Life


Recently, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a report baseda survey on the quality of life. According to the report, there are eleven dimensions that construct or define the quality of life of a person:-

1. Housing
2. Income and wealth
3. Jobs and earnings
4. Social connections
5. Education and skills
6. Environmental quality
7. Civic engagement and governance
8. Health status
9. Subjective well-being
10. Personal security
11. Work-life balance

Malaysia was not among the country survey.

OECD further noted that no country excel in all dimensions stated above, and they rank the countries surveyed according to three categories:-

(A) Top 20% performers -- Australia, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark etc.
(B) Average 60% performers -- Austria, Germany, Ireland, etc.
(C) Bottom 20% performers -- Chile, Mexico, Estonia, Greece etc.

You may read, download and access the report here: http://www.oecd.org/statistics/howslife.htm

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