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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why are we so cruel?


Recently, the news of a mother who lost her three children -- all daughters -- saddens me the most.

It is absolutely shocking and horrifying. I could not imaging what the mother must went through, after burying all her three daughters within 48 hours.

The emotional pain that she has to bear. It is just too much too handle.

Even though these children were not my daughters, but I can somehow feel at least 70% of the total emotional pain that the mother experiences.

Carrying the children in her womb for nine months, raising her with every possible care; and died in the most tragic manner.

The people are getting insanely crazy.

And the culprit should be given a death sentence. Period. No need for any dumb-looking and champion-wannabe human rights activist to defend that the culprit be given a second chance.

What second chance should be given when the mother lost all three daughters in one go? She lost three children at such an early ages of 14, 12 and 3!

Poor mother.

She is a school cleaner, and ...

I just can't write anymore.

It sickens me.
It gives me shiver.
It gives me goosebumps.

All my hairs are standing as I read this horrifying news.

It forces the tears to come out; as a way of praying the best for the mother.

O Lord! Bless these children's souls. Place them in the most beautiful heaven that you have.


Note: you can read this horrifying news here:


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