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Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Edge Weekly - Issue #992


Jut a quick scan of The Edge Weekly's cover of Issue #992.

It posed a very pertinent question to the telecommunications industry -- "Are telcos a safe divident bet?".

Telcos (short for telecommunication operators) traditionally rely on voice call and sms as their main source of income.

But as we progress into a digital era, their business strategy have expanded to providing mobile data and internet coverage to their customers.

And in Malaysia, there are three major players, namely Maxis, Celcom and DiGi.

TM is also part of the telco players, but it does not provide mobile services in the form of voice calls, sms or even mobile data coverage to the customers.

Now, in order for the telcos to provide dividends to their shareholders, they must -- in general -- develop a strategy towards profit maximization.

Of course this sector will not go down -- that is for sure. But the question is, how do they remain competitive and not stagnant?

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