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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Save Syiria


Look at the image below.

It shattered my heart.
It forced the (stubborn) tears out of my eyes.
It makes my knees weak.
It silences my talkative mouth.

Just look at this sad and heart-wrenching image.

While I have the liberty and enjoy sleeping on the most comfortable pillow there is on this world, this poor Arab boy in a war-torn country of Syiria is sleeping like nobody's business with a brick as a head rest.

Does that not tell us enough about the situation in their country?

When will the war stop?
When will peace arrive?

O God the almighty! Please, restore and peace and order in Syiria for I cannot stand seeing a child like this sleeping on an improper place with a brick being a head rest at the expense of some pathetic political leaders (read: Bashar al-Assas) wanting to hold on to that limited power.

Destroy, O God, the corrupt politicians and cruel government that care not its citizens.

I am sad. Because I truly think that this child deserve a better place and pillow to sleep on..

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