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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sinful doughnuts!


When I woke-up from a 3-hour short nap since 630pm, I saw this on the dining table. Wow! Yummy..

Mom and dad are out somewehere in Kedah. No one seems to be upstairs, heck not even my siblings are at home!

And these yummy doughnuts seem to be waiting for me to gobble it.

This is like a gift by angels from the heaven up there to me.

I know it is sinful to eat these sweet-looking things at 9:30pm, but my stomach pleads that I should just take a bite. And my mind adds that: "Nobody's home. Just finish it off!".

And these doughnuts seem to ask me to gobble it. And it is only three of 'them' on the table. Seems like a leftover of some sort, alas, it is still delicious!

Well, just look at the bright-red strawberry sitting on those pinkish whipped cream. It looks delicious.

And those chocolate cream -- dark, moist, and sweetly indulging seem to really call you to take a bite. Just a bit of bite. Jeez!

I could imagine that whoever bought these donuts seem to be 'donating' it to me for dinner since they may saw me sleeping like a baby on the small couch since evening.

Besides, I am hungry anyway.

Oh well.

Junk foods.

But then again, I am hungry. So, "ittadakimasu", people!

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