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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life is a Journey


I have been watching Malaysia Airline's branding advertisement for quite sometimes, especially in the cinemas, but when I re-watch it again, it tickled my heart. It made me realize that life is indeed a journey, and that journey is meaningless with people that travels.

The background music is very epic, instrumental and evoked the feeling of loneliness and misery of life. But nevertheless, it is very suitable with the storyline in which all actors hold a bag in their hands.

The words uttered are mesmerizing:-

Life is a journey, which we are all travelers,
Looking to make that great trip with someone.

Journeys are made by the people you travel with.

And in this world, life is made by the people who are in your journey to find success and happiness.

With the right people, your life is a joy, and with the wrong people, it is just a misery.

Just a reflection for tonight.

Have a watch at this branding advertisement -- I suggest that you turn-up the volume and watch it an empty room where there will be no one to bug you from understanding the deep message conveyed in this video.

Watch the video here: http://youtu.be/cMLsCZsnHRM

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