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Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Blues


I am now in the train, heading to my office.

I noticed that Monday is always a hectic day -- people are just so busy on this day, and traffic is always congested on this day too.

And the look on the face of people, especially the ones in the train, are always sombre and dull. Rarely do you see people smiling early Monday morning.

Myself included too.

It is as if they are forced to come to work after enjoying two days of rest.

Well, they are in a way, 'forced'!

But when it comes to Tuesday and the days that follow, I think that people just adjust themselves to the situation, I guess.

But Monday is always the busiest day of all; no matter how relaxing that day is, it seems to be always the busiest and the most hectic! Hence, the Monday blues!

Anyway, Happy Monday, people!

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