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Friday, December 13, 2013

Powerful Statement by President of the World Bank


The following statement by the President of The World Bank on the death of Nelson Mandela is absolutely powerful:-

“We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. On behalf of the World Bank Group staff, I convey my deepest sympathies to Graca Machel, Nelson Mandela’s family, and the South African people.

The world has lost a man who brought a rainbow of possibilities to a country that was segregated into black and white. But his gifts to humankind remain with us. He taught the world that no matter the sins of the past, no matter the horror of apartheid, the way ahead toward peace was to forgive but not forget, to remember what happened but also to offer a hand in order to start anew.

We are humbled by his leadership. We are inspired by his commitment to reconciliation. He showed us that fundamental change is possible and must be pursued when the freedom and well-being of people are at stake.

On this sad day, our thoughts are with the South African people.”

Look at the phrase used -- "rainbow of possibilities". Very metaphoric, and deep. At least to me.

I am always in awe at the choice of diction used in describing a person, an animal and even a thing.

Source: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2013/12/05/statement-world-bank-group-president-jim-yong-kim-nelson-mandela?cid=ISG_E_WBWeeklyUpdate_NL

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