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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Monkey Parliament


There is an English phrase -- "kangaroo court" that is aimed at the judges and justices for their own misconduct in their very own court of law; and now, I want to coin a new phrase: "monkey parliament" -- referring to the conduct of our Members of Parliament (MPs) in the august house.

The image below was forwarded to me last night.

Funny thing is that the image is making such a pun to the politicians in our parliament, specifically YB Mr Bung Mokthar Radin of Kinabatangan constituency, in East Malaysia.

Of course this is a doctored image.

In the original image, he is seen as ripping-off parliamentary motion belonging to YB Mrs Fuziah Salleh from Kuantan on deducting the salary of PM advisors, which according to her is exorbitantly high.

Her motion was dismissed.

But his act caused a stir to the point that the netizens are doctoring the image published by the media!

His act was in response to YB Fuziah's early action of ripping-off parliamentary papers.

Well, I guess that:-

1. It serves YB Fuziah right, and
2. The image is indeed a funny one, revealing the conduct of our MPs in the parliament.

Anyway, the image is truly -- to borrow today's adjective -- epic!

What with the flying banana and leaves! :)

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