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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Careless During Exam


This is one of the many reasons why students failed in their exam - they only read one side of the whole question paper that they missed out that one last question, commonly dubbed as "Question 6".

Why "6", yo asked?

Good question. Well, it is thought that one side of a sheet of question paper can accomodate five (5) questions. Thus, if the sixth question is to be added, then it is usually in the next page. Of course, this is only a thought -- there is no concrete proof to justify this argument, but it is good enough.

Students, read, scan and skim the exam question in its entirety. Look at every corner and nook of the exam question papers, and ensure that you do not miss anything.

And please, do not repeat this mistake!
Otherwise, you are a fool of the exam fools! ;)

*I was a lecturer, and yeah, this is an advice to all students. The lecturer spirit inside me still lives!*

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