
All opinions and views in this blog is entirely mine, and does not reflect any organization that I am affiliated with. And please exercise careful judgment when trading securities. Nothing in this blog should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any securities. You do so at your own risk, and do not blame others if the outcome is not in your favour. In case you are wondering, I do not have any securities trading account with any brokerage firms or investment banks.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome To Yet Another Blog

Oh, hi there.
Hello and welcome.
Bienvenue - that is if you're French.
Vannakam - that's if you're Tamil.
And if you are a Muslim, Salam 'Alaik.
And of course to my beloved Malaysians, "Salam Sejahtera" - peace be upon you.

Welcome to my new (20th?) blog. I have written quite a number of blog in my life. I've used quite a number of templates too: wordpress, blogspot, geocities and so on. You name it. But I have come to settle at this blog. One blog for all. To maintain few blogs is like to maintain few cars. In the end, you can only drive one car, no matter how many cars you have in your porch.

This blog will feature stories of life viewed from my perspectives. I am an observant guy. I observe almost everything and my eyes will be more sharper if you are a nice person, especially if you are beautiful on the inside and cheerful on the outside.

I observe a lot of things in life: from development in my religion, to political climate of Malaysia and to the way you communicate to the cashier at the sundry shop. I also enjoy observing how people act and behave in a 1-hour train to work: like the way they react to the incoming passengers, or the way they are sacttered and spread out in the (KTM Komuter) train.

I find those things amusing as I believe that there is always happiness in simple things. By watching those little move that people make, it enrich my life experiences and improve my knowledge in a quest to understand this creature called human. Oh, wait. What's the scientific name for human again? Ahhh, now I remember it: sapiens. The Homo Sapiens.

Oh well, that goes on to saying that I enjoy observing at little things - not that I am a stalker though, but yeah, you get what I mean.

I hope you will enjoy resding this blog, just as much as I enjoy writing it. Please leave all constructive comments in the space provided below, and I will try my best to respond to them (although I dont guarantee that).

Happy reading!
- Max -

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