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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Price of Bread Not Increased


Malaysia's best bread, Gardenia, has confirmed that its price remains the same and that there is NO price increase in its bread.

However, the social media is all abuzz with so many reports claiming that the price of Gardenia bread has increased.

I believe that this rumour is closely related to the outcome of our general election on May 5th, 2013.

I read with interest that not only Gardenia's name was picked and slated by this rumour; other brands were also badly implicated.

The truth of this rumour has yet to be verified, but I have to say that many people especially in the social media associated the acronym of BN to "Barang Naik", which in English means "Price Hike".

It is also widely reported in the social media that should BN win, then prices of goods such as highway toll, petrol prices and groceries will be increased. To what extend this is true is yet to be validated by relevant parties. So far, I have not experienced any price hike in goods and services.

This report about Gardenia is totally untrue and thank goodness that Gardenia' Chief has spoken to clear the matter.

While we may have different political ideology and inclinations, we must be careful not to slander any organization especially pertaining to price hike.

Let us observe and see the trend and prices of goods and service in coming time. Then only will we be able to conclude affirm the alleged rumours.

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