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Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Belated Mother's Day


Today I wanted to dedicate this posting to my mother.

This posting is very much related to Mother's Day. Though I don't celebrate mother's day, I still want to dedicate this post to my mother. And hope that she is not reading this. Well, if she did, then too bad. It's hard to keep secrets these days, anyway.

And to those extremist Muslims out there who says that celebrating Mother's Day is like celebrating Jesus' Mother; get a grip of yourself. It is perfectly okay if you do not celebrate mother's day; but if others are celebrating it for a full reason of celberating mothers, please understand that the very reason why we have Mother's Day is so that every child on this planet earth can take a day off their busy schedule to actually attend to their mother.

Of course, it should not just be a day off; instead, it should many days, for mothers don't count the number of days they spent for their loved ones.

And every mothers deserve to be celebrated by their own children.

I am the eldest of nine. I am very serious with my family members and I don't talk a lot with them. Not that I am a bad son or bad big brother, but that is just the way I am. I talk more to my friends than my family member. But that doesn't mean that I love them any less.

And I don't show physical affection and love to my siblings, and also to my mother. Being the prodigal son that I am, I am more comfortable talking to my mother the way I always do.

And of course, she knows that I love her  very much. But that I don't show it to her.

I wanted to thank her for raising me with tender love and care; for nurturing me to become what I am today.

And I wanted to thank her for being there when no one else does; for understanding my complex mind; for appreciating what I am - mt temper, my emotions and my traits.

And thanks to you also Ummi for passing me certain traits that I have inherited from you until this very day:-

(1) That I love nescafe and coffee;
(2) That I love reading books, newspapers and magazines; and
(3) That I love to chew and bite ice.

Those are the three main things that I have inherited from her. I don't think I inherited much trait from my dad, but I will talk more about him in a special column about father's day.

Thank you for every single thing, Ummi; and to me, every single day in my life is a Mother's Day.

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