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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Friends for Life


We don't live in this world alone. We live along with other beings: humans, animals and plants.

We live with neighbours who we call them friends. We go to school and call our classmates friends. Heck, we also make friends in facebook by sending them a "friend request", and some of them we have no idea who they really are.

In fact, if we like talking to someone, and know them for quite sometimes, we call them friends.

We also have special-purpose friends: we have friends for lunch, friends for facebook, friends for shopping, friends for gymming and even friends for hiking. And these friends are different friends.

But rarely do we have friends for everything. But that being said, we don't need friends everything, but we do need friends that doesn't cost you anything.

And friends can become "true friends" when they help us during needy time. Say for example, you needed to borrow money (which is the most embarrasing things to do), you will turn to your family members first, or in some cases, friends.

A true friend will lend you monies without the slightest trace of showing stingy-ness. A true friend will lend you monies with a lot of empathy and care; and without asking you to pay-back back in such a hurry.

Oh, I must add that "damned friends" are those that charges interest when lending monies, and please avoid these kind of friends.

True friends are those who will come to your rescue at ungodly hours and at unearthly places.

True friends will visit you at hospitals when you are sick, and true friends will stay in touch with you for years and years.

And true friends will usually become old friends: those friendship bonds that are maintained for years and years.

And old friends are the best kind of friends that you can have. Old friends are friends whom you can reminisce about your past: those that can talk about your glory past at school, or your uncanny behaviour at office, once upon a time ago.

Peeps, be careful of choosing your friends. Not all friends are true friends, and not all friendship can last for years. Some gets dissolved after a number of years due to several reasons.

And be careful too that not all true friends can be friends for life. Thus, choose your friends wisely.

My words of advice:-

Fear not your enemies for they have always hate you; but fear yes friends who hug you and stab you behind your back, for they will only wish to gain from you.

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