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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Yummy Food


Today, I wanna share with you about yummy foods posted by my friend in Instagram.

Truth be told, I eat almost anything except coleslaw. I don't know why, but coleslaw is not my thing.

I mean, I drink milk, eat mayonnaise but somehow, when these two are mixed together with salads and vegetables, I doesn't taste yummy.

Anyway, on to the real story: one of my nice friend, Effa, love posting foods in her Instagram.

I love good foods, and I love seeing nicely decorated foods. So, I am always inspired by the foods that she posted in her Instagram.

Effa, if you are reading this, please don't get mad. I don't mean to intrude your privacy, but I just wanna share super yummy foods that you posted in your Instagram.

Enjoy people, the nice food! ;)

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