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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Of Faith and Problems


I find this quote to be exactly nice and true. I like how faith is likened to wi-fi: invisible, yet reachable.

Of having faith when all hopes are fading. Of having faith when we are ladened with never-ending problems.

Faith to me, is not about religion. Having a faith means believing in something: supreme being, God and even science.

Faith is a silent prayer that we utter in our heart when we can't seem to even open our eyes.

Faith is a loud prayer that we subconsciously utter in extreme situations when no one can help is. Saying "Oh My God" subconsciously is a sign of having faith.

Faith is trust when all hopes are lost, and when all happiness in this world fades.

Faith is a light however small that maybe when all else seems dark.

Faith is a compas showing us the way out of the problem.

Faith is what connects us to an unseen supreme being.

Faith is what makes you stronger and have something to hold on to when everyone else is busy with other things.

And right now, when all hopes in this world are fading, faith is something that I will cling to; for I believe that faith will salvage us all.

And having faith means having a strong creed; believing in an entity that could save us all from trouble.

As for me, faith is about believing in one God.

And in faith shall we trust when all else seems impossible.

What is your faith?

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