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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Imagine Dragon - Radioactive


I have this one song that gives me goosebump everytime I listened to its opening music.

I first learned about this song when doing my office work while listening to Mix FM, Malaysia's Best Music on FM frequency of 94.5.

And I am listening to it now while writing this entry on my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone at 2:32 am.

The song is titled "Radioactive", by a US band called Imagine Dragons.

The opening of the song is a music composed of several instruments, mainly played on guitars.

The opening music makes me feel that I am about to enter a new age. A new age and a new era that is uncertain, dark and dirty. Maybe some new age that is blank and empty. And sad. And mysterious. And full of misery.

Well, the earlier parts of the lyrics just confirmed that. Have a read:-

I'm waking up, To ash and dust;
I wipe my brow, And I sweat my rust;
I'm breathing in the chemicals;

That lyrics mentioned above sounds just so sad. Who would want to wake-up in dust and ash? Unless if your house is burning, then yeah, you may experiece it. But, no. I don't even wanna inhale and smell ash and dust!

Anyway, the song also contain few elements that are reflective of the current environmental situation of this planet earth: that it is contaminated  until "you can feel it in my bones" ; so goes the lyrics.

Yeah. "This is it. The apocalypse". So too goes another part of the overall lyrics.Wow, the apocalypse is near, eh?

Oh, wait until you watch its music video in their official Vevo channel on YouTube- a video showing a quest of a woman and her "pinky" toy of teddy-bear in eliminating and eradicating one of the many evils in this world.

Now, is that the sign of apocalypse? Where justice triumphs over evils?

Regardless, it is a moving video, I must say. One that is suitable for the new generation, and one that teaches an important lesson in this world: that Karma will take its due course and all evils will soon be eliminated.

And the pinky bear in the music video is cute too, you know. The bear, apparently, has a power to kill the enemies by radiating red lasers from its eyes, despite its small built and girly looks. Superb, ha?

The pinky bear's power reminds me of Dragon Ball's Goku's "Kame Hame Ha" power! Ermm, not quite. It reminds me too of the X-Men's Cyclop's power. Yeah, that seems to be quite right of a comparison.

This song by Indie band is no doubt catchy and music to my ears. Heck, it is even ranked highly in many music billboards and charts all over the world.

I know for a fact that this song is played no less than five times daily on Malaysian radio stations, particularly on my current station, Mix FM. I've listened to this song in the morning while driving to work, in midday just before I go out for lunch, after lunch hour, a few minutes before twilight and in the midnight.

And when there is a change of DJs, this song seems to be the first song chosed the each incoming DJs. And I can attest to this fact too, you know.

Moving on, I'm sure that the lyrics will definitely be meaningful for the inquisitive minds to decipher.

I very much enjoy listening to this song, and everyrtime it is played on the radio, the opening music always give me a helluva goosebump!

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