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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Dear Book Nooks,

I went to Alamanda shopping center at Putrajaya a few days ago, and I saw this on the latest book shelf: a book titled Inferno!

Written by no other that the superstar writer, Dan Brown.

His book is so fabulous. In fact, I bought all five of his previous books:-

*The Da Vinci Code
*Angels & Demons
*Deception Point
*Digital Fortress
*The Lost Symbol

Why do I like Dan's novel? Well, his thick novels are all set in the duration of 24-hour. Meaning to say, from page one till the one, every story lines and plot are set within the duration of one day.

And that's the most thrilling part. It makes me to always read and read, even though it is late at night.

Anyway, I've gotta get this book now. Wait, I can't get it now. The book is mot sold in papeback edition yet. It hasn't arrived from wherever it is published at.

I've gotta wait, and wait.

I won't read the bool review though because it will just spoil the reading mood.

I guess it will have to wait, then! ;)

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