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Friday, May 17, 2013

True Love Lasts Longer

Hey Everyone,

It is 12:32 midnight, and I can't seem to be sleeping. As I browsed through my facebook at this hour of the Earth, I came across two interesting "picbook" - the nane I gave for interesting pictures posted in facebook.

These picbooks are very interesting. It is about true love. It is about love between two people, and how the managed to stayed-on for years. It is about the orthodox and conservative way of maintaining long-lasting relationship.

It is also a very good "old-fashioned" lesson for young love-birds: that of maintaining relationship between two loving souls.

The lesson is simple: it is about fixing the broken parts, and not simply throw them away.

I am no guru in relationship: I myself failed in numerous attempts at scoring a long-lasting relationship with my ex(es); but I have to agree with this quote.

In the past, I sometimes easily call-off the relationships because I feel that I can find a new person who is much-much better than the current person. True enough, that is. After all, the United Nations have announced that human population have reached seven billion.

Well, of course there are seven billion humans inhibiting this planet Earth, but among the seven billions, can you find the right fit which is exactly the same as the current person that you are loving? It is like finding a needle in a haystack. No,it is like finding a grain of salt in a pool of sugar!

It is difficult to come-by with the person that fits the criteria that you have drawn-up. The current person is the best; otherwise, you wouldn't fall in love with the person, right? Finding another person to love is a hard task. It may take one hour to find a new person; and it may also take another 10 years of your lifetime to find the next other half!

To save a relationship, sometimes, you just have to give-and-take. You have to be understanding, even though you can't  understand a damn thing. Even if the other half is offering some lame excuses and gibberish reasons; swallow it. Digest it, for if you think too much, it will just hurt the relationship.

Unless, if you are inquisitive like me, then you can start asking loads of questions. But then again, to what extend will these barrage of questions fix the relationship problem? Best solution is, and I've learnt this the hard way throughout my years of having a sinusoidal graph-like relationship is that; if it can be ignored, then let it so.

You have to ignore certain things, and start digesting certain hard feelings, for if you don't, and if it is kept too long and erupted like the Krakatoa, you will never be able to save the relationship. And that is the beginning of the end if your relationshil with that person.

So, swallow it like how you swallow the chocolate moist cake, but don't swallow too much, for if you do, you will hurt yourself through stomachache. Swallow what you are able to swallow.

Above all, I agree with the quote: fix all problems, and run not away for it. Throw not away the precious relationship that you have and cherish every moment spent with the person.

And above all, try to fix any broken parts. Always, and everytime.

May you and I find a long-lasting relationship in the near future! No, not in the near future; maybe next week?

And it is 1:04 am. Oh, I'm sleepy. Nite, everyone!


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