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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Ups and Downs

Hello Peeps,

Tonight I want to share with you about the ups and downs of life and how to deal with it. Well, how I deal with it.

Disclaimer: this is an un-scientific posting about dealing with stress.

Life is full of surprises: those surprises that can bring you up, and those that can bring you down.

Well, I am no counsellor -- I myself am ladened with so many problems that I dont think I want to share here in this blog.

But, how do I deal with my problem? Simple. Go to sleep. Get a bed and sleep.

Yes, sleeping will actually reduce the enormous amount of stress in your mind. I've done that countless of times.

Well, if I am at work, then it is ovbious to go to sleep when in sorrow; but I guess I just have to chew it: swallow all those misery and as soon as the time to clock out arrive, then leave and find a bed.

And that's life. You have to chew all misery.

Life is harsh, yes. You don't get to choose your parents. Likewise, you don't always get to drink a posh coffee every morning, and you don't get to sleep on some comfy bed every night.

But you can always sleep on those miseries and sorrows.

Sleeping is a good way to relieve stress. Laughing, you say? I highly doubt that.

Tell me, son and daughter, how can you actually laugh when you are in misery? As an example, can you actually laugh when you are terminated from your job? Well, technically you can laugh, but I would term that as fake laugh.

That kind of laugh is an empty laugh that precisely has no meaning. It is done so by accident.

In problematic situation, I can't laugh. You can't either. Well, no sane person can. That is so not the way to solve a problem.

In those instances, I definitely need a hug; yeah. I need that. A hug to protect me from all those misery. A warm hug to give me all the strength and courage in the world to live on. A comfy hug to give me every reason to be strong in facing hardships. Yeah. Yeah, I need a hug. Not some fake and silly laugh.

Anyway, the point is; if you are in misery, go find a bed. You'll be amazed at how it can do to soothe all horrible things down.

Okay, time for bed now. It's 1:31 am. And I need to put all misery in this world away. And no, I can't laugh now. It will be weird to do so at this unearthly hour.

Good night!

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