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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Excellent Branding Campaign

Hello folks,

Tonight I am going to share with you about excellent branding campaign.

Brand plays an important role in a society, especially in Malaysia. Let's say you walk into a mamak restaurant, and you look at its menu: every drink sold is identified by the famous brand, such as Milo and Nescafe.

"Milo" is one of the many brands for cocoa-based products. Competitors of "Milo" include "Vico" and "Ovaltine", but sadly, these brands never made it to our Malaysian restaurants. I have to say that Milo has the most market share in terms of cocoa-based products, compared to Ovaltine and Vico.

Malaysians are so used to "Milo" brand that every restaurants in Malaysia only serve the following variants of Milo:-

* "Milo Ais" - iced Milo
* "Milo Suam" - warm Milo
* "Milo Panas" - hot Milo
* "Milo Tarik" - pulled Mio
* "Milo O" - Milo without condensed milk
* "Milo Kosong" - Milo without sugar and condensed milk

"Milo" is such a successful brand that you will never ever hear drinks such as "Vico Ais" or "Ovaltine Ais".

While these products' brand are available in the supermarket, I must say here that they can certainly pentrate the kitchen of Abu, Chong or Siva; but not the kitchen of our restaurants. That much I know, is true.

In fact, the owner of the restaurant will risk losing their customers should they not serve cocoa drinks made of "Milo".

Imagine the horrific look of the Malaysian waiter when you ask "Vico Ais", insteas of the common "Milo Ais". Surely the waiter will think that you are either (1) tourist or (2) simply crazy!

Anyway, the very purpose of branding campaign is to:-

* promote the existence of a brand to a particular community;
* promote the latest product by embedding it in a brand campaign;
* create brand awareness through brand penetration into particular segment of the community.

You can measure the effectiveness of a brand if it has high recall among the men and women in the local society. Of course you have to engage a PR agency or research agency such as Nielsen to track the success of your brand campaign.

If you look at the attached picture, here we can see one successful branding campaign of the most popular documentary program: National Geographic.

This type of campaign uses the bus-wrap method. Using buses are a good way of promoting your product and brand, because the bus will move from one destination to another destination. This will increase the rate of brand pentration, thus indirectly promoting brand awareness.

Anyway, in this case, the whole bus is wrapped with a nice picture of a vicious and angry shark. The door of the bus is stunningly designed to show the big mouth and the sharp teeth of the shark.

When the door is open, incoming passengers will feel like being eaten by the notorious shark. This is certainly an entertainment to those boarding, as well as those surrounding the bus.

Those watching from outside will recall and mention this campaign in their coffee-shop talk and conversation with friends.

If the branding campaign is intereating enough, then someone will eventually take a videos and share it in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The video will go viral; and the company will suddenly be the talk of the town.

Or perhaps, if journalists noticed this interesting branding campaign, it has a high chance of being mentioned in newspapers or leisure magazines. Now, this is what I termed as "free marketing".

When this happen, then I can say that the branding campaign is a success. In a simple term, if the brand is being recalled at almost every occassion such as during lunch or dinner; or in a train or plane, then the campaign is indeed a successful campaign.

Anyway, amazing campaign, isn't it? It is surely entertaining with refreshing design aimed at promoting the existence of the brand within the locality.

Furthermore, this branding campaign will surely have high recall rates.

A rather good branding campaign, I must say! ;)

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