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Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Edge, 13 May 2012

Hey there friends,

Tonight I will ramble about the front cover of this week's Malaysia's leading weekly business newspaper, The Edge Weekly (TEW).

Before that, TEW is a very good newspaper which is published weekly. Usually, the paper will arrive on most newstands within the KL/Selangor (Klang Valley) area on Saturday afternoon. I will gratefully buy the TEW editors some Milo Ais if this paper can be made available on Saturday morning.

To be safe and not to get disappointed every Saturdays (whether morning or afternoon or evening), I always buy this excellent paper every Sunday morning at 7-Eleven. Oh, mind you, 7-Eleven only have two copies of this paper, and if you're unlucky (most likely not), then you have to get it somewhere else

The paper is fairly priced with a price tag of RM 5. This is justified by thickness of the paper, the quality of the paper that it us printed on, the quality of colours used on the printed paper, the high standard of reported news, and the exclusivity of this paper rendered in its own class.

There are few sections in this paper: the main section where business news of the past will be analysed, the middle section which talks about economics and capital market (and sometimes, I can't even understand a thing!), and the commentaries section, which is usually located in the last few pages.

Oh, there's also a pullout section which is called Options, where this section talks mainly about culture, food reviews, arts, and even Questions & Answers (Q&A) session with Kam Raslan, a prominent guru on all things Malaysia and all Malaysians.

I particularly like the commentary section because some of the writers are credible individuals like economic professor, CEOs, veteran journalist, lawyers and even politicians. Among my favourite authors of the column in this section include Azam Aris, Datuk Dr Mahani, Wan Saiful and many others.

Some of the views and critical analysis appearing in this section are thought-provoking and eye-opening; while others are rightfully and blatantly obvious which is not worthy of re-mention; or simply too high a level that no person in their righful Sunday mind could grasp.

From my personal observation, this paper is quite neutral in their reporting of news. They do not palpably show their biasness and political inclinations, be it either the alliance (BN) or the opposition (PR), although I can make a wil guess in my head.

I can say that the writers are critical on issues that they are covering -- after all, they report only in the interest of the rakyat. And I must say that the writers are accountable to the rakyat (people) of Malaysia, and the must be made answerable to the Court of Public Opinions. Let the public judge thejournalism business in Malaysia. At least, that's what I think.

Anyway, this paper contain the summary of business activities of past week, including comprehensive analysis and in-depth views from leading business figures and academicians.

And this week's paper is brave enough to openly and daringly requesting the newly elected Prime Minister of Malaysia, The Rt. Hon. Datuk Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abd. Razak "to fix national problems" such as our ballooning national debt, our economic growth and our education system, to say the least.

Wow, what a vocal paper! But these are indeed national issues that need to be quickly remedied.

On the same length, I think that the voices of the paper's editorial team should be quickly addressed and swifly taken into consideration by our PM for they represent the voices of concerned business professionals.

Keep on a good work, TEW! Oh yes, be vocal: the right way at the right time and with the right approach!

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